Delivering Your Content Needs
SEND Bitesize was developed to deliver high quality content within the special educational needs and disability community. Created jointly by Beccie Hawes, A special needs and inclusion manager, along with the founder SEND Group, Arran Smith.
Our Team

Arran Smith
Founder of the SEND Group
Arran Smith has worked as a volunteer, employee and now as a consultant in the field of dyslexia, SEND and education for over 15 years. Arran was diagnosed as being dyslexic when he was aged nine and was taken by his parents to the Leicestershire Dyslexia Association which ran an after-school workshop on a Saturday morning. Over the past 20 years Arran has worked his way from student to tutor and is now Chairman of the group. In 2006 Arran was awarded the British Dyslexia Associations Young Achievers Award for all of his hard work as a volunteer with the Leicestershire Dyslexia Association, because of this he became more involved in the work of the B.D.A. He was a volunteer on a number of committees including the B.D.A. Management Board. With dyslexia still being a big part of Arran’s life, work became very difficult and a change needed to be made. In May 2010 after 18 months on the BDA management board Arran resigned and in June of that year, became a member of staff and spent five years as the Membership Development Officer.
During his working life he has worked in the retail business and has also worked with other charities with roles that covered development and operational management. Arran is now self-employed and has his own consultancy business the LVA Group which supports other businesses and charities, and also has a company which helps to raise awareness called the SEND Group it offers training, webinars and consultancy in all areas of SEND within the education community.

Beccie Hawes
BA (hons) QTS, PG Cert (SpLD), MEd, AMBDA
Beccie has worked in all aspects of Special Educational Needs including mainstream, additionally resourced provision and specialist settings. She has extensive experience as a SENCo, Inclusion Manager and Lead Local Authority Advisory Teacher. Beccie is currently the Inclusion Manager for Cadmus Schools. Beccie remains very ‘hands on’ in the classroom and is passionate about being at the chalk face to support teachers and children in order to practice what she preaches.
She is the author of ‘The Complete Dyslexia Toolkit’ and co-author of ‘Getting it Right for SEND’ and ‘How to Create the Perfect Partnership with Parents’. She has also developed a number of educational resources to support learners with educational needs. Beccie is especially passionate about celebrating learning differences. She strives to support schools to improve quality first teaching to ensure that every pupil has the chance to shine!

Helping you stay up-to-date and ready for the world of SEND and inclusion.
A round up of the latest information and news to help keep you up to date with the ever-changing landscape of SEND and inclusion.
Useful information about a range of needs to help you effectively support your colleagues, pupils and their families.
Practical SEND focussed teaching and learning tips to support quality first teaching